Contact / Directions

To help assist you most efficiently, new clients are asked to email the firm to obtain and fill out an intake form. Send an email here to begin the process:

The firm’s phone numbers and address are:


Phone: (973) 453-4847

Fax: (973) 536-0120

Meyers Employment Law LLC, 13 1/2 James Street, Morristown, NJ 07960

Directions to Morristown, NJ Office:

The address is 13 1/2 James Street, Morristown, NJ 07960. However, the "1/2" confuses GPS and Google Maps and that will send you to the wrong building. So just enter "13 James Street" into your GPS.

The office is located on James Street, at the intersection of James and Maple. The building is a three story Victorian house that is converted into an office building. There is a red and white sign out front.

There is parking behind the building, but the driveway is narrow. If you have a large vehicle, park on the street instead. There is an abundance of free street parking on James Street just one block south of the office. If you are coming from South Street and turn onto James Street, just drive 30 feet or so past our office and there will be plenty of street parking on the right hand side of James Street. (Do not park in lots behind neighboring buildings).

NJ Google Map Directions

Important Note:

Contacting the firm (through a message, email, or otherwise) does not establish an attorney/client relationship. You will only be represented by the firm if you and the firm agree to do so in a written retainer agreement, signed by both you and an authorized firm representative.


Phone: (646) 596-1292

Meyers Employment Law LLC, 347 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1402-192, New York, NY 10016

Directions to NYC Office:

The office is within easy walking distance of Herald Square and is directly across the street from the Empire State Building.

NY Google Map Directions